1 /**
2 Copyright: Copyright (c) 2021, Joakim Brännström. All rights reserved.
3 License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License 1.0)
4 Author: Joakim Brännström (joakim.brannstrom@gmx.com)
5 */
6 module my.actor.common;
8 import core.sync.mutex : Mutex;
10 /** Multiple producer, "single" consumer thread safe queue.
11  *
12  * The value may be `T.init` if multiple consumers try to pop a value at the same time.
13  */
14 struct Queue(RawT) {
15     import std.container.dlist : DList;
17     static if (is(RawT == U*, U)) {
18         alias T = U;
19         enum AsPointer = true;
20     } else {
21         alias T = RawT;
22         enum AsPointer = false;
23     }
25     static struct Item(TT) {
26         private TT ptr;
28         ~this() @trusted {
29             if (ptr !is null) {
30                 *ptr = T.init;
31                 ptr = null;
32             }
33         }
35         ref T get() {
36             return *ptr;
37         }
39         // Move the value. It is now up to the user to ensure it is destructed.
40         TT unsafeMove() {
41             auto tmp = ptr;
42             ptr = null;
43             return tmp;
44         }
45     }
47     private {
48         Mutex mtx;
49         DList!(T*) data;
50         bool open;
51         size_t length_;
52     }
54     invariant {
55         assert(mtx !is null);
56     }
58     @disable this(this);
60     this(Mutex mtx)
61     in (mtx !is null) {
62         this.mtx = mtx;
63         this.open = true;
64     }
66     static if (AsPointer) {
67         bool put(T* a) @trusted {
68             synchronized (mtx) {
69                 if (open) {
70                     data.insertBack(a);
71                     length_++;
72                 }
73                 return open;
74             }
75         }
76     } else {
77         bool put(T a) @trusted {
78             synchronized (mtx) {
79                 if (open) {
80                     auto obj = new T;
81                     *obj = a;
82                     data.insertBack(obj);
83                     length_++;
84                 }
85                 return open;
86             }
87         }
88     }
90     alias PopReturnType = Item!(T*);
92     Item!(T*) pop() @trusted scope {
93         synchronized (mtx) {
94             if (!empty) {
95                 auto tmp = data.front;
96                 data.removeFront;
97                 length_--;
98                 return typeof(return)(tmp);
99             }
100         }
102         return typeof(return).init;
103     }
105     bool empty() @trusted pure const @nogc {
106         synchronized (mtx) {
107             return data.empty;
108         }
109     }
111     size_t length() @trusted pure const @nogc {
112         synchronized (mtx) {
113             return length_;
114         }
115     }
117     /// clear the queue and permanently shut it down by rejecting put messages.
118     void teardown(void delegate(ref T) deinit) @trusted {
119         synchronized (mtx) {
120             foreach (ref a; cast() data)
121                 deinit(*a);
122             open = false;
123             data.clear;
124             length_ = 0;
125         }
126     }
127 }
129 /** Errors that occur in the actor system.
130  *
131  * Attribution: C++ Actor Framework.
132  * The framework is well developed and has gathered a lot of experience
133  * throughout the years. The error enum is one of many indications of this
134  * fact.  The enum `Error` here is a copy of those suitable for a local actor
135  * system.
136  */
137 enum SystemError : ubyte {
138     // no error
139     none,
140     /// Indicates that an actor dropped an unexpected message.
141     unexpectedMessage,
142     /// Indicates that a response message did not match the provided handler.
143     unexpectedResponse,
144     /// Indicates that the receiver of a request is no longer alive.
145     requestReceiverDown,
146     /// Indicates that a request message timed out.
147     requestTimeout,
148     /// An exception was thrown during message handling.
149     runtimeError,
150 }
152 /** A special kind of error codes are exit reasons of actors. These errors are
153  * usually fail states set by the actor system itself. The two exceptions are
154  * exit_reason::user_shutdown and exit_reason::kill. The former is used to
155  * signalize orderly, user-requested shutdown and can be used by programmers in
156  * the same way. The latter terminates an actor unconditionally when used in
157  * send_exit, even for actors that override the default handler (see Exit
158  * Handler).
159  */
161 /// This error category represents fail conditions for actors.
162 enum ExitReason : ubyte {
163     /// Indicates that an actor finished execution without error.
164     normal,
165     /// Indicates that an actor died because of an unhandled exception.
166     unhandledException,
167     /// Indicates that the exit reason for this actor is unknown, i.e.,
168     /// the actor has been terminated and no longer exists.
169     unknown,
170     /// Indicates that an actor was forced to shutdown by a user-generated event.
171     userShutdown,
172     /// Indicates that an actor was killed unconditionally.
173     kill,
174 }
176 ulong makeSignature(Types...)() @safe {
177     import std.traits : Unqual;
179     ulong rval;
180     static foreach (T; Types) {
181         rval += typeid(Unqual!T).toHash;
182     }
183     return rval;
184 }